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  • A total of seven plant substances
  • 100% vegan
  • Ideal for your fatburner-training
  • lose weight quickly
  • lose weight on yourabdomen
  • How can I lose weight
  • What helps in losing weight
  • Fat burner test
  • burn fat
  • Positive for fat burning
  • vegetable


0,05 KG (€444.22 / 1 KG)
  • A total of seven plant substances
  • 100% vegan
  • Ideal for your fatburner-training
  • lose weight quickly
  • lose weight on yourabdomen
  • How can I lose weight
  • What helps in losing weight
  • Fat burner test
  • burn fat
  • Positive for fat burning
  • vegetable

Available, delivery time: 2-5 days

Facts / Knowledge
How can I lose weight quickly and achieve positive effects? The answer is: LIPO 100 FEM! This is where everything works that women need to lose weight healthily in harmony with a balanced diet and a calorie deficit. The capsules bring your fat burner diet up to speed. Plant extracts, B vitamins, l-Carnitine Carnipure™ , iron, zinc and Lipocholine® - all ingredients are 100% vegan! Let the kilos melt, lose your weight and boost your body´s own fat burning together with the right workout. LIPO 100 FEM is the ideal support to lose weight effectively.

LIPO 100 FEM - you win if you lose

LIPO 100 FEM is the perfect choice to support the following goals:

  • Body fat reduction
  • Body toning and defining
  • Increasing endurance performance
  • Support during the diet

The LIPO 100 is ideal for the following women:

  • Fitness athletes
  • Athletes
  • Endurance and game athletes
  • Figure-conscious women and dieters

What exactly is LIPO 100?

You want your love handles to disappear? We see it the same way! Behind the unique LIPO 100 hides the quality feature from many years of product development from Body Attack. For more than ten years, our weight loss assistants have been supporting him and her in their desire to get closer to their dream figure. From "lipolysis" Greek for fat dissolution to "LIPO". 100 for 100% effective fat reduction, which we tackle together with you. Find out everything about the development of thise supporter here.

With this capsule you are blown away and veggy

Small capsule, big effect. The capsule shell consists of plant fibres and the ingredients are also obtained from non-animal food. This makes LIPO 100 FEM a 100% vegan product. The innovator captivates with natural plant substances such as nettle extract, green tea extract, pepper extract Bioperine® and a high-quality nutrient formula of pure l-Carnitine Carnipure™ . In harmony with valuable B vitamins, the nutrients can be preserved in the metabolism by the Carnipure™. Additional vitamin C for your immune system, minerals such as iron and zinc as well as Lipocholine®, which supports the normal fat metabolism, complete the capsules. Additional makes you perservere longer in your fat burner workouts. 6 capsules are recommended as daily dosage.

LIPO fem Lifestyle

Healthy nutrition for healthy weight loss

Different diets, such as low fat low carb diets can be the key to rapid weight loss. The LIPO 100 FEM is the ideal support during your diet change. The valuable tips of our weight loss advisor will help you to ensure that your successes last for a long time and that the famous "yo-yo effect" does not occur. Lose weight without hunger - also test our smart recipes with protein power and nutritional values with added benefits.

Your sporting milestone - fit and successful weight loss for women

A defined and firm body is the goal? Finally feel fitter and also look like that? In order to reduce unwanted pounds, a low-calorie and protein-rich diet is primarily advantageous. Now it is getting sporty! In order to speed up the breakdown of body fat, strength- and endurance-based training sessions should be inserted several times a week.
Nutritional / Recommended intake
Nutritional values Unprepared per 100 g
Biotin 25.00 mg
Eisen 7.00 mg
Jod 75.00 mg
Mangan 1.00 mg
Niacin 54.00 g
Vitamin B2 0.70 mg
Vitamin B6 0.70 mg
Vitamin C 40.00 mg
Zink 5.00 mg

Additional information

Ingredients: Green tea extract, Cellulose Capsule , Green coffee bean extract, Caffeine, Choline bitartrate Lipocholine® , Nettle extract, Sepa- rating agents Magnesium stearate, Silicon dioxide , Quercetin dihydrate, L-Carnitine Carnipure® , Ginger extract powder, Ginseng extract, Dime- thylaminoethanol-bitartrate DMA PURE , Willow bark extract, Coleus forskohlii extract, Nicotinamide, L-Ascorbic acid, Zinc gluconate, Iron III phosphate, Pepper extract Bioperine® , Manganese sulfate, Pyridoxine hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Potassium iodide, D-Biotin.
To the label


33 Ratings






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12 January 2024 10:40 -

Sonja K.


enorme Magenprobleme, für mich nicht geeignet

3 March 2022 09:03 -

Daniel S.



2 September 2020 16:05 -

Christian Marx


Ein kleiner Fehler im System, ich hatte die LIPO 100 für Herren und die halten zu 100% das, was Sie versprechen !!!!!!!!!

2 September 2020 15:22 -

Caroline (CB) Kopp Brändle


Eigentlich schade, dass es das Synephrin nicht mehr drin hat, das sollte es auch für Männer geben, da das Titandioxid (umstritten) nicht mehr drin ist, bei den Männer ist es leider noch drinnen!! Schade, hoffe es gibt bald für Männer dasselbe wie bei Lipo Fem. Wäre super. Wirkung bei mir sehr gut top !!

7 April 2019 07:27 -

Susann Moisi


Super super super ich liebe es erfüllt seine Zwecke klasse. Werde es wieder kaufen!

17 January 2019 09:43 -

Kerstin Baumann


gutes Produkt, schnelle Lieferung, sehr guter Service

15 June 2018 20:47 -

Elke Schön


Kann keine 6 Caps pro Tag nehmen, morgens 3 reichen vollkommen aus. Das viele Coffein pusht meinen Blutdruck zu arg, vorm Training bringt es Power ohne Ende.

1 May 2018 17:25 -

Natasa Gjorgjevska


Super *****

25 July 2017 13:18 -

Detlef Brandt


Fast genau die gleichen Inhaltsstoffe wie bei dem normalen Lipo 100. Die Farbe der Verpackung soll wohl Frauen locken.

Our feedback: Das ist nicht korrekt, denn LIPO Fem enthält noch Grünen Kaffeebohnen-Extrakt, Ingwer-Extrakt, Coleus Forskohlii Extrakt, Ginseng und zudem Eisen. Deswegen Eisen, da Frauen aufgrund der Menstruation mehr Eisen verlieren. Das kann wiederum die Sauerstoffversorgung beeinträchtigen und den Energiestoffwechsel. Die anderen Pflanzenstoffe sind auch speziell für Frauen ausgewählt wurden.

25 July 2017 13:18 -

Detlef B.


Fast genau die gleichen Inhaltsstoffe wie bei dem normalen Lipo 100. Die Farbe der Verpackung soll wohl Frauen locken.