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Main address: Schnackenburgallee 217-223 22525 Hamburg, Germany
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Weight Gainer


Body Attack 100% Casein Protein - 1,8kg Body Attack

1x Body Attack 100% Casein Protein - 1,8kg

The Body Attack 100% Casein Protein is a milk protein mixture that delivers a protein content of 90%, making it ideal for muscle growth. Body Attack 100% Casein Protein - 1,8kg
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Body Attack

100% Casein Protein 1,8kg

Kölner Liste/ Cologn List
  • High protein and glutamine content
  • Rich in BCAA
  • Low fat - low carbohydrates

46,99 €
Free shipping from 99 €
in most countries*
1,800 kg (26,11 €/kg)
incl. VAT, plus Shipping costs

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Low in fat Icon
Low in fat
Low in sugar Icon
Low in sugar
Aspartame-free Icon
Made in Germany Icon
Made in Germany

Product information

Do you want to supply your body with important protein for a long time during your recovery periods? Yes, you can - with casein, the most enduring protein there is! The protein extracted from milk is digested rather slowly by the human body and is therefore ideal as a post-workout shake for the long day or directly before going to bed. No fear of overnight fat deposits: the 100 % Casein Protein is low in fat, reduced in sugar and free of aspartame. Before you go to bed, take a casein shake and your muscles slumber in the land of growth dreams.


Nutritional information / Consumption recommendation


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