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Weight Gainer


Body Attack

Flav Drops Stevia 50ml

1 Rating

Body Attack Flav Drops - Stevia 50ml
  • Only 5-10 drops per shake
  • Zero calories and sugar-free
  • Highly concentrated

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Here you get product information like ingredients, nutrition facts or allergy advices.

BananaButter BiscuitCaramelCheesecakeChocolateHazelnutStrawberryVanilla

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4250350531006 - Chocolate
4250350531020 - Vanilla
4250350530382 - Banana
4250350530405 - Butter Biscuit
4250350530429 - Strawberry
4250350530443 - Cheesecake
4250350530467 - Hazelnut
4250350530481 - Caramel



VerpackungsgrößePacking size: Stevia 50ml

Average rating:  
(1 Rating)

Great thing. Sweeten a quark dish quickly and deliciously with a few drops of hazelnut or cheesecake. No sugar and plenty of flavour.

The Flav Drops Stevia from BODY ATTACK are a tasty, highly concentrated flavouring system designed for refining food and beverages. The consumption of fitness and diet products can become rather monotonous over time. Flav Drops Stevia are ideal for boosting your taste buds. A neutral-flavour protein shake, for instance, is jazzed up in no time. And what is best: You can enjoy without regrets as the drops are free of calories and sugar and therefore ideal to use during diet and training phases.

Product highlights:

Many athletes regularly incorporate curds, yoghurt and milk in their diet to top up their protein level with protein of high biological quality. As you can´t get dairy products quite as sweet by adding only fresh fruit, lots of people use honey or syrups containing sugar. The regular intake of simple sugars can, however, lead to weight gain and promote the formation of fat. This makes the Flav Drops Stevia an ideal alternative as they taste wonderfully sweet and tickle your taste buds in a wide range of delicious flavours.

You now have a good variety of different flavours at hand - bringing an end to the days of monotonous and boring food. Muesli and smoothie enthusiasts, too, will love the different flavours. Because Flav Drops Stevia conjure up more flavour in your food, no matter whether you want give your food a more intensive taste of chocolate muesli or strawberry smoothie, it is entirely up to you how many flavouring drops you add. And last but not least: let us not forget baked goods like cakes, muffins, pancakes, etc. which are often sweetened with sugar or honey. These also supply your body with too many simple sugars and empty calories. BODY ATTACK Flav Drops Stevia contain steviolglycosides and flavourings which make the taste of food and beverages more intensive. It is important that both are represented in the ideal ratio to give the food a very intense taste.

For whom are BODY ATTACK Flav Drops Stevia suited?
Thanks to the highly concentrated formula, only 5-10 drops are all you need to boost your shakes.

The Flav Drops Stevia are ideal for touching up milk, shakes, yoghurt, desserts, diet products, coffee, tea, cake and gateaux. The Flav Drops Stevia are calorie- and sugar-free which makes them simply perfect for all figure and health conscious people.

When used in the recommended quantity, the BODY ATTACK Flav Drops Stevia supply your body with no calories which is why no nutrition information is provided on the label.