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Weight Gainer


Body Attack Fitness Protein Cake - 150g Body Attack

1x Body Attack Fitness Protein Cake - 150g

The Fitness Protein Cake is a delicious mix for light cakes that can be safely consumed during the low-carb diet. Body Attack Fitness Protein Cake - 150g
Euro New OutOfStock 2024-07-18
429 4250350544754 4250350521298

Body Attack

Fitness Protein Cake 150g

Body Attack Fitness Protein Cake - 150g
  • Reduced Carb
  • Cake Mix
  • Ready-made baking mixture

✘ Coming soon.

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Reduced Carb Icon
Reduced Carb
Rich in protein Icon
Rich in protein
Vegetarian Icon
Low in sugar Icon
Low in sugar
Aspartame-free Icon
Made in Germany Icon
Made in Germany


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4250350544754 - Chocolate
4250350521298 - Lemon



VerpackungsgrößePacking size: 150g

No rating available.

Those, who want to follow the low-carb diet rules, consume less bread and other pastries, such as pies or cakes, as these contain a lot of carbohydrates. Of course, many still prefer a cake for dessert, coffee or on Sundays and feast days.

The Fitness Protein Cake can be enjoyed even during a low-carb diet. Traditional cakes are made of a lot of sugar and flour, and thus contain a lot of carbohydrates. However, the low-carb chocolate cake mix contains only 6.5 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams and is highly compatible with a low-carb diet. The sugar content is low: It is only 0.7 grams per 100 grams. Instead of conventional flour, the mix has almond flour and wheat gluten, and thus, hardly any carbohydrates. It also contains low calories: The total energy value of a piece of cake is 348 kcal per 100 grams.

The chocolate cake mix can help athletes to overcome food cravings during a low-carb diet. If you do not have to forgo the enjoyment, you will find it easier to comply with the dietary guidelines.