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Weight Gainer



Bio Protein Müsli 500g

JabuVit Bio Protein Müsli - 500g
  • 30% protein
  • Rich in fibre
  • 10 servings

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Öko-Kennzeichen: DE-ÖKO-009

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Rich in fiber
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Organic quality seal
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Without pork
Rich in protein Icon
Rich in protein
Vegetarian Icon
Low in sugar Icon
Low in sugar
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Made in Germany
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DE-ECO quality seal


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Apfel-HimbeereKokos-ErdbeereSchoko Crunch

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VerpackungsgrößePacking size: 500g

Reicht für ... TageContent is sufficient for use according to our recommendation for 10 day(s).

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For a powerful, motivated start to a day your body needs to have the right nutrients first thing in the morning. And it should have a great taste too. The JabuVit Protein-Müsli Schoko-Crunch combines the two into one tasty and healthy breakfast. The crunchy chocolate experience also makes a great snack later in the day.

The JabuVit Protein-Müsli Schoko-Crunch is a special muesli mix made from certified organically grown soya and barley flakes, chocolate and wheat flakes as well as whole milk and dark chocolate.

The ingredients of the Protein-Müsli naturally supply essential proteins and dietary fibres as well as vitamins and minerals.

Product highlights

Through the careful selection of ingredients, the muesli has a particularly high nutritional value, making it suitable for all athletes with intense workouts. So, powerlifters and bodybuilders, who value a protein-rich diet, particularly benefit from this tasty breakfast option.

100 g JabuVit Protein-Müsli in the tasty chocolate-crunch flavour provides around 30 g valuable protein, mainly thanks to its protein-containing ingredients such as soya flakes and wheat flakes.

Worth knowing:
Why are proteins so important for powerlifters and bodybuilders?

The dietary advice for powerlifters and bodybuilders is for a daily protein intake of 2 to 4 g per kilogram bodyweight. With a body weight of 80 kg, this corresponds to a total daily uptake of about 160 g to 320 g protein.

The JabuVit Protein-Müsli Schoko-Crunchcan supplement the protein-rich diet of powerlifters, especially if the diet is too imbalanced and proteins are supplied mainly by meat and sausages.

A high intake of meat also provides many unwanted substances such as saturated fatty acids, cholesterol and purines, which can weaken the healthy metabolic equilibrium. In particular, strength athletes and people with high cholesterol or uric acid levels should minimise the amount of meat on the daily menu.

The JabuVit Protein-Müsli Schoko-Crunch is free of cholesterol and low in purine, as it only consists of plant foods and protein sources.

Moreover, JabuVit Protein-Müsli only has vegetable fats, which the body partly needs as essential fatty acids. Therefore, strength athletes who eat a lot of meat and sausage products should ensure a balanced intake of animal and vegetable fats.

Daily consumption of the Protein-Müsli– either for breakfast or as a snack – can optimise a balanced diet.

Focus is on nutrients, protein and fats during strength training and especially during sport phases concerned with muscle toning and competitions. Here, carbohydrates are deliberately kept low in the daily diet so that less water is stored in the subcutaneous layer.

The JabuVit Protein-Müsli Schoko-Crunch contains moderate amounts of carbohydrate, ranking highly in a diet plan as a good source of energy and flavour. Carbohydrates such as rolled oat flakes help to maintain normal brain function* . This in turn can have a positive effect on the ability to concentrate during training.

The Protein-Müsli delivers important dietary fibre
The high dietary fibre content is of particular note in JabuVit Protein-Müsli. Since dietary fibres have a high capacity to swell, combined with food they, therefore, greatly influence digestion.

Many powerlifters and contest athletes complain of having a bloated stomach and problems with indigestion. Both can be attributed to an unbalanced diet and lack of fibre.

The JabuVit Protein-Müsli Schoko-Crunch helps provide a high-fibre diet, whilst still maintaining normal digestive mobility. In addition, dietary fibre has a positive impact on blood sugar and cholesterol levels and on the feeling of satiety, although this should be considered in the context of the overall food intake. This is why nutritionists recommend a daily minimum amount of 30 g dietary fibre as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

With what products can the JabuVit Protein-Müsli be combined best?
  1. In combination with the BODY ATTACK 100% Casein Protein, a particularly satiating milk protein that helps to maintain muscle.
  2. With the BODY ATTACK Daily Vital, a multi-vitamin supplement to prevent a deficiency in the supply of vital substances.

*The positive effect can be achieved with a daily diet of 130 g carbohydrates from all food sources.