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Weight Gainer


My Supps

100% Natural Egg Protein 2kg

My Supps 100% Natural Egg Protein - 2kg
  • 100 % egg protein
  • Without sweeteners
  • Suitable also with lactose intolerance

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My Supps 100% Natural Egg Protein - 2kg

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VerpackungsgrößePacking size: 2kg

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Athletes benefit from proteins in three different ways: they contribute to the growth of new muscle mass and to preserving muscles and normal bones.

Given that the body can only produce new muscle tissue if there are sufficient quantities of protein available as a basic building block, strength athletes are reliant on suitable sources of protein. My Supps 100% Natural Egg Protein is hence an ideal dietary supplement for all strength athletes.

Proteins taken from egg have similar properties to whey protein, including a lower ratio of carbohydrates and fats.

This is why My Supps 100% Natural Egg Protein can also be taken during a diet phase. The dietary supplement consists of 100% chicken protein. It is taken directly before or after intense exertion. To do this, mix 20 to 30 g (corresponds with two to three table spoons) of the powder into 200 to 300 ml of liquid - for instance skimmed milk.

Worth knowing:
Who else is My Supps 100% Natural Egg Protein suitable for?

This dietary supplement is also suitable for athletes suffering from lactose intolerance. My Supps 100% Natural Egg Protein contains no lactose or milk protein while still offering a good amino acid balance. This is why the preparation is well-suited to anyone suffering from lactose intolerance, but still wishing to provide their body with additional amino acids.

Which products can I combine sensibly with My Supps 100% Natural Egg Protein?

Tip: Tastes delicious in dairy products and/or combined with My Flavouring System from My Supps.