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Weight Gainer


My Supps

100% Natural Soy Isolate 750g

My Supps 100% Natural Soy Isolate - 750g
  • Over 85% protein ratio
  • 100% vegetable
  • Barely any carbohydrate or fat

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My Supps 100% Natural Soy Isolate - 750g

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VerpackungsgrößePacking size: 750g

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Many protein shakes stem from animal protein sources such as egg, milk or whey.

Animal muscle meat is also a high-quality source of proteins. However, given that some people prefer to do without animal foods, it is important to find vegetable alternatives for this traditional source of protein.

Soy beans are among the plants with the highest protein contents. My Supps 100 % Natural Soy Isolate is made entirely using this vegetable protein.

If the powder is mixed in water or soy milk, it can be consumed without concern by vegans or persons with animal protein or lactose intolerances.

Protein supply on a vegetable basis.

Soy protein is absorbed by the body at a similarly high rate as whey proteins. In general, the latter are considered among the fastest proteins, preferably taken directly before or after training.

Athletes can benefit in different ways from proteins such as My Supps 100% Natural Soy Isolate: proteins contribute to the growth of new muscle mass and to preserving muscles and normal bones.

Worth knowing: What is special about soy protein?
Even if there are no restrictions in specific nutrition, My Supps 100 % Natural Soy Isolate is a recommendable dietary supplement. As vegetable proteins, soy proteins do not contain any cholesterol. Given that cholesterol is linked with cardiovascular diseases, many people are advised to reduce their intake of these substances.

What products can I sensibly combine with the My Supps 100% Natural Soy Isolate?
  1. Together with My Supps Flavouring System aromas for different kinds of delicious protein shakes.
  2. In combination with the BODY ATTACK Magnesium plus Calcium, a mineral supplement that can help to maintain normal muscle function.