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Body Attack Fitness Bread - 360g Body Attack

1x Body Attack Fitness Bread - 360g

The JabuVit Protein Low Carb bread is a tasty alternative to traditional baked products that can be safely consumed during a low-carb diet. Body Attack Fitness Bread - 360g
Euro New OutOfStock 2024-07-18
590 4250350544730

Body Attack

Fitness Bread 360g

  • For a diet
  • < 2g carbohydrates/100g
  • Only 259 kcal per 100g

✘ Coming soon.

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Reduced Carb
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Rich in protein
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Made in Germany Icon
Made in Germany


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Body Attack Fitness Bread - 360g

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VerpackungsgrößePacking size: 360g

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Whoever follows low-carb diet plans, reduces the consumption of bread, pasta, rice and potatoes, as these contain a lot of carbohydrates. Nevertheless, many do not want to give up on bread completely - be it for breakfast, dinner or as a side dish. With the baking mix for the BODY ATTACK Protein Reduced Carb Bread, figure-conscious people are able to produce a bread that also can be used in a low-carb diet.

A traditional bread from grain usually contains 35 to 40 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams.

The main components of a BODY ATTACK Protein Reduced Carb Bread are almond flour and wheat gluten. In this way, the proportion of carbohydrates can be lowered to 1.9 grams per 100 grams.

What is still contained in the BODY ATTACK Protein Reduced Carb Bread?

In addition to wheat gluten and almond flour, the product contains sunflower seeds, flax seeds, salt, various spices and separately packaged dried yeast. The fat content is 13.3 grams per 100 grams, wherein 12.3 grams thereof is composed of the healthier unsaturated fats. This can help to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels and thus, counteract increased values. The total energy value of the bread is 259 kcal per 100 grams.

The BODY ATTACK Protein Reduced Carb Bread is ideal for both leisure and performance athletes who have a low-carb standards diet. By reducing the consumption of carbohydrates, the body will be induced to draw more energy from fat reserves instead of carbohydrates. This is because the latter can be only stored in moderate amounts when compared to fats. The JabuVit Protein Reduced Carb Bread allows athletes to eat varied and tasty foods in spite of a low-carb diet. In this way, it motivates them to comply with the diet plans.
Worth knowing: How is the Reduced Carb Bread of BODY ATTACK prepared?

The baking mix can be used variedly: Blending the bread with nuts or vegetables can enrich the bread, e.g. with essential vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids. This allows blending of, e.g. pumpkin and sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, or onions and carrots with the baking mix. The variation of the ingredients also brings variety and diversity in the diet.